Do as the sisters do, and make your own delicious, iced tea with peaches. "The iced tea is a pleasure to serve as a cold refreshment on a hot summer day," Clara says. "A true classic for adults and children alike," Anna adds excitedly.
Pour cold water and 10 tbsp. tea in a jug and refrigerate for at least eight hours, e.g. overnight.
When the tea has finished brewing, strain out the tea leaves, and pour the clear tea into a jug with ice cubes.
Cut the peaches in half, remove stones, and then put them in a blender with agave syrup. Blend the mixture to a fine purée, then strain the peach purée.
Pour the peach purée into the jug with the cold tea and stir well. Serve with lemon slices. You can store the tea in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.