When the rhubarb plant has spread in the sisters' large flowerbeds, Clara gently picks the beautiful stems. "This time they will be raw pickled so we will have a delicious side dish for the summer salads as well as for breakfast," Clara delightedly explains to her sister as she displays her basket full of rhubarb in the kitchen.
Clean the rhubarbs thoroughly and cut off the top and the bottom. Then, cut the rhubarb into pieces of approx. 3-4 cm and pour these into a scalded preservation jar.
Rinse the ginger well and cut into thin slices. Split the vanilla pod lengthwise, cut out the vanilla seeds, and mix with a little sugar.
Put water, lemon juice, ginger, cane sugar, vanilla sugar, and the rest of the vanilla pod into a casserole and bring the mixture to boil.
Pour the cooked pickle over the rhubarb in the preservation jar and put the lid on. Let the mixture steep overnight.
Your finished raw pickled rhubarb can now be enjoyed as a side dish, topping or spread on fresh bread. Store in the refrigerator.
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