"The loveliest of creations can be made with just a few items," Clara says. "Such as this rose made from fabric," Anna adds and fastens the flower to her bag. Do as the sisters do, and sew your own roses from leftover fabric or patchwork fabric.
Fold your patchwork fabric lengthwise so that the fold is approximately 6 cm wide. Iron the fold to create a sharp edge and cut off the remaining fabric.
Cut the open side in a diagonal line so that one end of the strip is approximately 1-1.5 cm wide, and the other end remains about 6 cm wide. Round off the wide end as shown in the video.
Roll the narrow end loosely around itself a couple of times and sew the roll in place with a needle and sewing thread in the open side. Continue until around half of the strip has been rolled.
Tear along the rest of the open side of the strip and pull the thread so that you wrinkle the last part of the strip. Sew it together at the end of the flower. Remember to secure the stitch securely. "If you wish to decorate the rose further, you can sew on some small beads," Anna suggests.
Sew a safety pin to the back of the flower so that you can use it as a brooch, on a bag, on a hair clip or around the neck sewn onto a ribbon. "Wherever you find it the most wonderful," Clara smiles.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.