"We have quite enough table cloths at home, dear Anna," Clare says. "Yes, but this one… this will become a tote bag," Anna smiles while she carefully examines the beautiful, embroidered table cloth at the secondhand shop. Make your own tote bag easily with Anna's guide.
Fold your fabric in the middle and cut out the square that will be the front of the tote bag. Remember to include 1-2 cm of seam allowance when deciding the size of the square. Use the cut-out square as a template to cut a second one for the back. Here, you can use another piece of table cloth or perhaps some patchwork fabric. Now, cut long strips for the handle to your tote bag. In the video, the measurements are 114 x 7 cm.
Sew in regular stitch 0.5 cm from the edge all the way around where you have cut the fabric on both the large squares and strips, so the fabric does not fray. Avoid any sides where the edge is already nice, sewn, and not frayed.
Put the large squares right side to right side on top of each other and sew three of the sides together.
In the opening, where the bag is not yet sewn together, fold the brim the number of centimetres which fit with the print of your fabric. "If there is a frayed edge in the opening of your tote bag, you can fold the brim twice and then sew to conceal the frayed edge," Anna recommends.
Sew along the brim of the fold all the way around as shown in the video. Make sure that the seam allowance splits to each side when you sew over it.
Now, the handles are to be sewn together, before they are sewn onto the bag: Start by putting the strips right side to right side on top of each other and sew the sides together with 1.5 cm seam allowance. Turn the fabric so the right side is now on the outside of the sewn-together strip.
Cut two pieces of elastic band of 75 x 3 cm and lead them through a strip each with a safety pin as shown in the video. Remember to make sure that the elastic band does not twist around itself underway. The fabric is suppposed to wrinkle as your fabric strip is longer than the elastic band.
Sew the elastic band and the fabric strip together approx. 0.5 cm from each end.
Place the handles on the brim of the inside of the tote bag, where you would like them to be, and sew them onto the bag as shown in the video. Turn the tote bag right side out. It is now ready to use.
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