Homemade decorations for the home have a very special place in the sisters’ hearts. "This decoration is both easy to make and can adorn the home all year," Anna says.
Weigh and knead your red and white clay together for the following clay mixes: Colour 1: 230 g of red clay. Colour 2: 165 g of red clay and 65 g of white clay (230 g of clay in total). Colour 3: 100 g of red clay and 150 g of white clay (250 g of clay in total) Colour 4: 45 g of red clay and 175 g of white clay (220 g of clay in total). Colour 5: 30 g of red clay and 195 g of white clay (225 g of clay in total).
Place two sticks with a width of about 8 mm - 1 cm on both sides of the clay chunks to roll them out evenly. Moisten the clay a bit as you roll.
Cut shape number 1 from colour 1 using the sisters' template or a shape of your own design. Smoothen the sides with water, and poke a hole at the top and at the bottom of your clay shape with a straw. Make shape number 2-5 the same way. Let the clay shapes dry completely. Avoid letting them dry in a too hot place, as the sides of the shapes will bend.
When your shapes are completely dry, you can smoothen the edges with sandpaper. "Do this outside as it can leave some dust," Clara suggests.
Pull the jute twine through the shapes from shape 5 down to shape 1 and finish all of the shapes with a knot to secure them on the twine.
If you want, you can finish shape 1 with a small tassel in the bottom.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.