To Anna and Clara, it is truly a joy when springtime arrives with its blooming flowers and chirping birds. In nature, Anna found the inspiration to adorn the home with a homemade garland with paper springtime motifs.
Print out the templates and cut them out. Cutting out the templates in thicker cardboard makes them easier to work with.
Choose the paper you want to use for the different motifs. Make a fold on the paper wide enough for the template shape to lay on. Align the straight side of the template with the fold of the paper. Draw around the templates and repeat a few times. Finally, cut out the motifs while the paper is still folded. For one tulip, you will need four cut-outs. For one clover, you will need four cut-outs. For the bird you will need two body cut outs and one wing.
The tulip and clover are assembled with double-sided adhesive tape at all sides, so they form three-dimensional shapes. You can trim the edges with scissors if you see a little of the white backside of the paper sticking out.
Now, you will assemble the bird. Using double-sided adhesive tape, secure the two bird bodies together. Again, you can trim the edges a little with the scissors if white is sticking out. Fold out the wing on the middle and place it with the frontside of the paper up. Place small pieces of double-sided tape on both sides. Attach the bird body to the wings by the belly. Fold down the wing on each side and align the points of the wings to each other to make sure they are folded at the same place on both sides.
Place your desired thread, string or ribbon on a needle and sew through the finished paper shapes. For the bird, you will get the best result by sewing at an angle from bottom side to top.
You can make a loop at the top of the garland and let it adorn your window, door frame, the corner of a cabinet or a picture frame on the wall.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.