"You can never have too many stitch markers," Clara chuckles. She is delighted that Anna has made a couple of extra ones for her.
Use your side-cutting pliers to cut a piece of metal wire of approx. 15 cm.
Put a wooden bead on the wire and then eight glass beads.
Pass the end of the wire on which there are glass beads through the opposite hole on the wooden bead and tighten.
Repeat this on the opposite end of the wire.
Put a semi gemstone on either end and put the same end back through the semi gemstone and the wooden bead so both ends of the metal wire are now next to each other. Do not tighten, but leave a noose over the semi gemstone.
Put a semi gemstone over the two ends of the wire and follow with a clamp bead. Squeeze with bent-nose pliers.
Squeeze the noose as well, and add a clamp bead. Squeeze the clamp bead just above the semi gemstone.
Cut off excess metal wire.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.