The sisters enjoy adding surprising elements to their wall art. In this way there is always something interesting to look at. "With the loom's endless possibilities something quite unique can be created," Anna believes.
Thread your loom with cotton yarn or string.
Tie a piece of yarn to the outermost cotton string on the left side of your loom. The longer the yarn, the more rounds you can weave back and forth. You can always switch to a new piece of yarn, just remember to finish on the back so the yarn thread can be attached later.
Use your fingers or a comb to continuously pull the yarn into place.
When you have finished weaving, secure the excess yarn on the back and cut the work free from the loom. Cut as close to the loom as possible.
Finish the woven piece at the top and bottom. Tie knots on all ends.
At the bottom of the piece, you can add semi gemstones on each cotton string. This can simply be done with a beading needle, after which you tie a knot. Here, Anna has arranged the beads with random intervals.
At the top you can add wooden beads on two nooses at a time, as shown in the video. This is done with a beading needle and continued throughout the row.
Now, gather four nooses at a time and add a wooden bead. This is done twice until you reach the middle where six nooses should go through one wooden bead. After this, there are only two repetitions of four nooses again.
Finish by gathering all the nooses at the top and lead them through a wooden ring. Wrap cotton string around the assembly and secure with a needle.
Cut off excess string on the back of the assembly and your weaved work of art is now ready to adorn the wall.
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