Anna hefur safnað saman misþykku garni, snærum og þurrkuðum blómum. Hún varð skyndilega innblásin til þess að búa til nýtt listaverk á vegginn og flýtti sér inn í föndurherbergi til að taka upp vefstólinn. „Það er alltaf gaman að horfa á eitthvað nýtt,“ segir hún brosandi.
Thread your loom with cotton yarn or cotton string.
Use a piece of cardboard to make an edge at the bottom of the loom, so you are sure to have an even line for the start.
First, make 12 rows with cotton yarn to make the start even. Do not weave too tightly, as this can easily change the width of your tapestry, which will make it uneven. Use a comb or your fingers to comb every row down, one row at a time.
Use a thick superwash wool to make fringes. Cut pieces of 2 cm and tie these in nooses. It is alright, if the fringes are uneven at this point. You can cut these later if you like.
Use the colours you like and weave as you like with different kinds of yarn and jute string. Different techniques can be used: 1. Fringes 2. Nooses with knitting needle 3. Braids You can place dried flowers in between some of the woven rows so they are weaved into the tapestry if you want this effect. You can use your knitting needles for weaving or a large needle. The large needle can be easier to use at the top at the very end. When switching colour or yarn type, you should let the ends of the yarn hang as these are secured in the end, when you finish the tapestry.
When finishing the tapestry, loosen every end and carefully take the tapestry off the loom.
Finish the tapestry at the edges where the loose ends from colour and yarn switches are hanging. Using a needle, sew each end a little into the tapestry and finish with loose knots. Cut off the ends.
Finish the top and bottom of the tapestry where the loose cotton strings you have woven on are hanging. Tie a knot on every end of cotton string and use a needle to sew every single string 1-2 cm into the tapestry. Be careful to make the knots equally tight and sew the same length into the tapestry across the entire row, so it will not become misaligned over time as it hangs on the wall. Cut the ends off.
When securing the tapestry on a wooden stick, sew through the string finishes you have made at the top.
Cut the fringes at the bottom in the desired length.
Til að geyma eftirlætis vörur þarf maður að vera skráður inn.