Christmas ornament with children's handprint
"The dear little ones grow up so quickly," Clara says. These adorable Christmas ornaments spread holiday joy and year after year remind us of how small the children once were.
Roll out the clay to an approx. thickness of 1.5-2 cm. Now, help the child press their little hand into the clay to make a clear print.
Trim the excess clay around the handprint and smooth the edges. Make a hole near the base of the wrist using a straw or a similar tool. Allow the handprint to dry. You can opt to sand down the print.
Turn the handprint upside down, so the hole is at the top, and paint a lovely Santa Claus face on the hand as shown in the video.
Glue the pompom to the tip of the Santa hat. Then, write the name and the year on the back of Santa, and thread a string through the hole for hanging. Santa is now ready to spread holiday joy in your home.
Self-hardening clay
Rolling pin
Acrylic paint
Jute twine
Hot glue gun