Linocut birds


Gift-wrapping with bear motif

When the sisters give gifts, they are fond of tailoring the wrapping to the recipient. Here, you can find inspiration for gift wrapping for children and childlike souls, as Clara would say with a twinkle in her eye.


Wrap the gift in plain wrapping paper. "This project is easier with a square gift," Anna smiles.


Download and print the template, and cut out the stencils in the printed wrapping paper. You need two of every stencil except the longest, of which you only need one.


Cut out an A5 piece of the patterned wrapping paper and alternate folding the paper from each side, ensuring that each pleat is approximately 2 cm.


Use the square strip template to cut out a sliver of the patterned wrapping paper, so that it can be used to secure the folded piece of paper in the middle. Remember to glue the sliver to the paper. Spread each side of the folded paper, forming a bow tie.


Wrap yarn around the fork tines until the wrap is approximately 1 cm wide.


Cut a short piece of yarn and tie it tightly around the bundle of yarn on the fork.


Cut through the yarn on each side of the tie and cut the yarn so that it forms a pom pon.


Draw an anchor shape with black marker on the middle of your wrapped gift and glue on the pom pon on the top of the mouth with a glue gun.


Glue the butterfly on the gift below the mouth and draw on two eyes with black marker and a painted white dot in the middle of the eyes.


Glue the two cut-out stencils on each side of the gift, so that it makes two arms.


Fold the two medium long pieces like ears, and tape the smallest pieces to the back so the printed paper is turned outwards on both sides of the ears.Fasten the ears to the top of the gift with double sided adhesive tape.


Your gift is now ready to be given to the happy recipient.

  • Plain gift-wrapping paper
  • Printed gift-wrapping paper
  • Tape dispenser
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Glue gun
  • Hot glue sticks
  • Double sided adhesive tape
  • White acrylic paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Black marker
  • Yarn
  • Fork

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