Linocut birds


Gift-wrapping with spruce details

Give a Christmas gift that brings joy inside and out by decorating it with delicate details. “With beautiful colours and natural materials, you can create a particularly lovely gift wrapping,” Anna says.


Once your gift is wrapped, cut a piece of cotton string.


Grab a few ends of spruce branch and heat your glue gun.


Glue the spruce needles to the cotton string and twist the string around the spruce needles.


Repeat the same procedure at the other end of the cotton string or make two separate ones ready for applying the manila tag.


Then tie the cotton strings with spruce needles onto the gift. You are now ready to give this lovely, wrapped gift to a lucky recipient.

  • Gift box
  • Gift wrapping paper
  • Gift ribbon
  • Tape
  • Manila tag
  • Spruce
  • Dried orange peel
  • Cotton string

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