Óháð efnivið getur þú náð góðum árangri með límbyssu og tilfallandi pappakössum. Sæktu innblástur til að skapa einfalda heimagerða búninga fyrir smáfólkið kæra.
Loftbelgsstjóri.Brúnar buxur, brún peysa eða jakki og brúnt höfuðfat ásamt gleraugunum sem eru kirsuberið á kökunni. Barnið getur verið með gleraugun en þau má allt eins hafa á höfuðfatinu.
Aðdáunarverð smáatriði.Nota má nokkrar venjulegar blöðrur eða eina stóra blöðru. Takið botninn úr gamalli körfu svo barnið geti klæðst körfunni.
Aðdáunarverð smáatriði.Nota má nokkrar venjulegar blöðrur eða eina stóra blöðru. Takið botninn úr gamalli körfu svo barnið geti klæðst körfunni.
Gefið smáfólkinu kæra tilfinningu fyrir flugi um loftin blá.
Stórir draumar geta ræst með fáum áhöldum.
UrrrrrLítið ljón getur auðveldlega birst með dúska-aðferðinni, smá pappa eða andlitsmálningu og hala sem festur er aftan á buxur barnsins með öryggisnælu.
DúskarKlipptu út tvö sniðmát úr pappa með þversniði u.þ.b. 10 cm með gati í miðjunni, ca 3 cm að þvermáli. Vefjið garni um sniðmátin tvö þar til það er næstum ógjörningur að koma koma meira garni fyrir í gatinu.
LjónseyruKlipptu út tvö ljónseyru og litaðu með bleikum tússpenna eða málningu. Með því að toga garnið til hliðar má auðveldlega líma eyrað á dúskana.
LjónsmakkiKlipptu mjóan bút af endurnýttum pappa í lengd sem passar höfði barnsins og gerð gat á sinn hvorn endan fyrir borðann. Lengdin getur verið mismunandi eftir stærð barnsins svo e.t.v. þarf að áætla hve marga dúska þarf. Límdu dúskana á pappann og gættu þess að það séu einn til tveir dúskar milli eyrnanna.
Ljónið stolta.Þræddu borða gegnum götin á makkanum sem er síðan bundinn um höfuð barnsins. Útbúa má grímuna úr samskonar pappa og eyrun. Þú getur líka auðveldlega límt einn dúsk úr garni á efnisbút og fest aftan á buxur barnsins. Í brúnum fötum lítur barnið út eins og raunverulegt ljón og getur öskrað og urrað daginn á enda.
Leikur á gresjunum getur auðveldlega átt sér stað í stofunni heima.
Eins og alltaf er það ímyndunaraflið eitt sem setur takmörk.
Sætt sem sykurÞví ekki að þykjast vera stór, yndisleg og hátíðleg kaka?
ByggingKakan er samsett úr tveimur lögum. Þú þarft til verksins tvo hringlaga kassa. Einn sem passar á höfuð barnsins og annan sem passar utan um búkinn. Það ætti að vera dálítið aukarými í kössunum.
Hringlaga kassarFjarlægðu botninn úr stærri kassanum svo barnið geti haft hann um mittið.
Skreyttu kökuna.Cut your own templates or make decorations for the cake with the child. Here, small pom pons and paper balls are used as whipped cream along with design paper and single colour paper. The arcs are easily made by measuring the boxes and then dividing the measurement with the number of arcs you wish to make. Meaure an arc, draw it and use it as a template for more arcs. Repeat this with the white 'garland', and glue these on with a gluegun.
Skreyttu kökuna.Cut your own templates or make decorations for the cake with the child. Here, small pom pons and paper balls are used as whipped cream along with design paper and single colour paper. The arcs are easily made by measuring the boxes and then dividing the measurement with the number of arcs you wish to make. Meaure an arc, draw it and use it as a template for more arcs. Repeat this with the white 'garland', and glue these on with a gluegun.
The candle on top of the cake is made just like this Christmas candle. To better secure the candle in the glue, cut a notch in the bottom of the candle and fold this inwards towards the hole in the candle. Glue the candle on top with a glue gun.
Tie a bow.Make a hole with a large needle in the box and lead the ribbon through it to add the ribbon on the bottom part of the cake. Let the ribbons cross on the back, so they do not slide off the shoulders.
Cake topper.If the top of the cake is difficult for the child to secure on their head, you can add elastic bands on each side.
Cakes come in many different shapes and sizes, dear Anna…
… the best cakes are just as lovely on the outside as on the inside, sweet Clara.
The sweetest sunflower.A glue gun can be quite sufficient when making costumes for children.
Blooming business.With just a few tool, a very special costume can be made.
Blooming business.With just a few tool, a very special costume can be made.
Little but good.A sweet sunflower only needs a headdress and accessories for the wrists.
You will need.Patchwork fabric, glue gun, ribbon, stem wires, cotton filling, and a green outfit.
Petals.Cut seven or more equally sized petals from patchwork fabric and make the same shapes using stem wires. It can be easiest to fold the stem wire in the middle and then shape the petal.
Petals.Cut seven or more equally sized petals from patchwork fabric and make the same shapes using stem wires. It can be easiest to fold the stem wire in the middle and then shape the petal.
Cut a long piece of fabric corresponding to the length which can go around the child's head, along with one piece to be tied at the end. Make sure the width of the length is approx. 10 cm. Cut a piece of cotton filling with a width of 5 cm, which is to be laid in the long roll of fabric. Glue the green fabric together around the cotton filling, just as you would sew it together and start adding the petals in the gatherings. The stem wires should go into the long roll of fabric so the petals can stand when the child wears the flowercrown.
The last details.Finish the ends with petals and ribbons. The petals can be glued at the edges to create stability, you can also create the pattern of a petal with the glue gun, which will then peek through the fabric when the entire petal is glued together. Cut a piece of ribbon for the wrists and glue two petals to the middle of each ribbon.
The last details.Finish the ends with petals and ribbons. The petals can be glued at the edges to create stability, you can also create the pattern of a petal with the glue gun, which will then peek through the fabric when the entire petal is glued together. Cut a piece of ribbon for the wrists and glue two petals to the middle of each ribbon.
Pretty plant.Let the child wear a green outfit. Tie the flowercrown around the little head and the wrists. The stem wire in the flowercrown can now be shaped as you like.
Be inspired by nature, also when making costumes.
Ideas can appear anytime, anywhere.
Miaow, miaow.Make small cat ears on an old hair band.
You will need.You can go far with a bit of ribbon, a glue gun, cardboard, markers, and paper.
Cat ears.Twist ribbon around the headband and secure this with the glue gun. Cut heart shaped templates out of cardboard, fold in the middle, and fold the arcs down. Cut out a square and fold in the middle and cut small notches in here, so the ears get a furry look. Glue the square into the fold in the ears and glue the ear onto the headband by gluing the folded arcs.
Cat ears.Twist ribbon around the headband and secure this with the glue gun. Cut heart shaped templates out of cardboard, fold in the middle, and fold the arcs down. Cut out a square and fold in the middle and cut small notches in here, so the ears get a furry look. Glue the square into the fold in the ears and glue the ear onto the headband by gluing the folded arcs.
Old headbands can easily become many imaginative headdresses.
A headdress is often the crowning glory of the costume.
Warrior princess.Make a long, lovely braid on a hair band with yarn, cardboard, glue, glitter, and gem stones.
Glitter on top.Cut out a tiara from cardboard and make sure the bottom has an extra centimetre, so you can cut a notch and fold this part when it is to be glued on the headband. Decorate the tiara. To create a 3D effect, you can glue on details with the glue gun in the edges as shown on the photo before you add glitter.
Glitter on top.Cut out a tiara from cardboard and make sure the bottom has an extra centimetre, so you can cut a notch and fold this part when it is to be glued on the headband. Decorate the tiara. To create a 3D effect, you can glue on details with the glue gun in the edges as shown on the photo before you add glitter.
Hairdo.Fold the yarn a few times to be able to easily and quickly twist it around and glue it onto the headband to cover it. If you want, you can cut a fringe as well.
Hairdo.Fold the yarn a few times to be able to easily and quickly twist it around and glue it onto the headband to cover it. If you want, you can cut a fringe as well.
Take a piece of yarn of approx. 1.5 m and fold it many times, so you have three equally large bundles of white yarn. Add some coloured yarn to each bundle. Cut a little piece of white yarn, collect all the bundles and tie a knot in the middle of your collected bundles' length.
Crown jewel.Glue the tiara on first and then the glue the braid on to the headband.
Complete the costume.With wands, swords, and a skirt.
The princess' castle.You can also make a festive backdrop for the child's play by cutting out and painting cardboard.
önnur gallerí
Töfrandi átthagar barna í garðinum
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Innskráning skilyrði
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